Today, 31st March, is Trans Day of Visibility.
The first Trans Day of Visibility was held on 31st March 2009, to celebrate members of the trans and non-binary community. It’s a day for affirming that trans people are loved, celebrated, appreciated, and have always been here (despite some attempts at …revising history).
One of our most precious resources, in an exhausted, overworked world, is our attention: pay attention to your own needs, of course, but also the needs and desires of the people around you, and your communities. We can’t know what another person needs better than they do.
This day, like all the others, should be a day for trans people to control the narratives about trans people. If you are not trans, read trans authors and listen to podcasts by trans people: don’t let people who aren’t trans control the narrative today (or any day).
Here are some ideas for how to celebrate trans visibility (today or any day):
- Share resources about - and BY - trans people.
- Set a movie night/documentary at your Students’ Union. Disclosure is an insightful documentary that showcases the perception of trans people in media over decades.
- Pronoun badge making! This is a fun activity for trans and non-binary people to meet each other as well as an opportunity for allies to get involved in. This is a low cost and super easy activity to plan!
- Get your University, College, or public (if it still exists) library to order in books by trans authors. There are loads of good lists available online, for example this one or this one.
- Trans people are whole human beings who have the right to make mistakes just like anyone else. If you’re expecting trans people to be saint-like, think about this and challenge it. Real change begins with changes in our own ways of thinking and acting.
Campaigning for change regarding trans issues
- Sign our petition to to demand a new guidance for Schools and Colleges that actually supports trans and nonbinary young people instead of putting them at risk. Learn more about the guidance here.
- Here's our Trans Guide written by Ruth Pearce, on building a more inclusive movement around trans issues! You can find this here
It can be difficult to come out as trans without the love and support of your friends, family, or community: may we all struggle to make our communities as accessible to, and loving and supportive (materially as well as emotionally) of trans people of all ages.