Our Officers

NUS is a truly student-led organisation with our governing bodies – boards and committees – chaired by or inclusive of students from member students’ unions, to make sure that our work as a movement reflects student needs and concerns.

NUS Officer Team 2024-26

Amira Campbell | @amiranuspres

NUS UK President | Email me

Qasim Hussain | @qasim_nusvpfe

Vice President Further Education | Email me

Alex Stanley | @alex_nusvphe

Vice President Higher Education | Email me

Saranya Thambirajah | @saranya_nusvplib

Vice President Liberation and Equality | Email me

Sai Shraddha Suresh Viswanathan | @nusscotlandpresident

NUS Scotland President | Email me

Deio Owen | @nuswalespres

NUS Cymru President | Email me

Ben Friel | @nususipresident

NUS-USI President | Email me


Our governing bodies exist to make sure NUS is always working as effectively and efficiently as it can, with the resources it has available. They provide reassurances to members (students’ unions) and the students they represent, that NUS is financially stable and delivering on its annual and 3-year plans.

All our boards are chaired by an elected officer and meet regularly across the year to review finances, membership, plan delivery and any emerging issues. Board members in the main are elected to their posts from within NUS’ membership by member student representatives, excepting lay appointees where applications are received and accepted based on the experience, skills and qualifications applicants can bring to NUS.

Our boards and committees all have terms of reference and a cycle of business which outline how they will conduct their meetings and clarifies their purpose.

Our full-time officers are all elected to their positions by 1 of 5 NUS annual conferences:

  • National Conference
  • NUS Liberation Conference
  • NUS Wales Conference
  • NUS-USI Conference
  • NUS Scotland Conference


Accountability Surgeries

All Officers hold Accountability Surgeries, which are open to all students and Sabbatical Officers at member Students' Unions. If you have any questions about the surgeries, or would like to submit a question in advance, email [email protected].

Records of previous Accountability Surgeries can be found here.

The details of upcoming Officer Accountability Surgeries can be found below:

NUS UK President

Details TBC

Vice President Higher Education

Details TBC

Vice President Further Education

Details TBC

Vice President Liberation & Equality

Details TBC

NUS-USI President

As part of NUS-USI monthly Membership Meetings:

To be updated with future dates

NUS Scotland President

Details TBC

NUS Wales President

Details TBC


NSC Minutes

The National Scrutiny Council meets 5 times a year to scrutinise NUS' work against its campaign plan. The minutes of each meeting will be published below:

13 September 2023