Fix student housing

We know that poor living conditions mean poor grades - but too many students cannot access safe, affordable and secure housing. Will you join the call for homes fit for students?

Fix student housing

317 signed so far. Help us get to 10000!

Will you sign?

Votes at 16!

16-year-olds have the vote in Scottish and Welsh elections. Now it's time to extend that to General Elections and the rest of the UK. Sign the petition to call for votes at 16 across the UK!

Votes at 16!

1167 signed so far. Help us get to 10000!

Will you sign?

Cost of Living Campaign

The cost-of-living crisis is pushing students and apprentices to the brink. Sign the petition and support NUS' calls to end the cost-of-living crisis for students and apprentices.

Cost of Living Campaign

31332 signed so far. Help us get to 50000!

Will you sign?

Living Wage for Apprentices!

The apprentice minimum wage is currently £6.40 per hour. This is unliveable, but we have a vision for change. Call on the government to raise the apprentice minimum wage to the Real Living Wage!

Living Wage for Apprentices!

3511 signed so far. Help us get to 10000!

Will you sign?

Your national students union

NUS represents university and college students across the UK. Together we achieve national change for students.

As one of the world's largest student movements, we're fighting to make education free and lifelong. We believe that education should be accessible and enjoyable for all - and our community of students, educators, activists and advocates are determined to make it happen.

Latest Updates

Congratulations to everyone getting their results today!

To students getting their A Level, BTEC, T Level and other Level 3 qualifications today, we are proud of you.

12 tips for managing results day stress

You’ve finished your exams, submitted your coursework and all that’s left is to wait for your results.  Whether it’s for A levels, T Levels, BTECs or other Level 3 qualifications, the lead up to results day is often a time of heightened stress and anxiety for many. The anticipation surrounding...

NUS UK stands in solidarity with students in Bangladesh

National Union of Students UK (NUSUK) stands in solidarity with Bangladeshi student protesters and reaffirms their right to peaceful protest. We recognise the importance of international solidarity in fighting repression and so, we wish to draw the attention of our students, and others, in the UK to this situation.

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