At NUS, liberation means working collectively to fight oppression and supporting each other to heal from it. It builds on a long history of individuals and groups that represent Disabled, LGBTQ+, Racialised, Trans and Women students playing a crucial role in NUS's impact on education and society.
In this page you can find everything we are doing at NUS Liberation.
Although it is an organisation-wide commitment, Nehaal, VP Liberation& Equality, was elected to lead Liberation at NUS for the 2022-2024 period.
The VP is supported by the Liberation Campaign Committee, made up of one member elected at each of the Liberation Caucuses (Women, LGBTQ+, Trans, Black, Disabled) during Liberation Conference. Click here if you want to know more about the committee and get involved with their campaigns.
They all work collaborate to students nationally to create campaigns based on the policy passed at Liberation Conference every year. You can find the current policy here.
You can also find resources we've curated in the past on our Liberation Library and our resources for LGBTQ+ History Month.
Do you want to get involved now?
You can sign up for updates and also join our Liberation Collective Project.
We are currently creating a new structure for Liberation and we need you to make it happen.
In the next months you can get involved in different ways to make sure the new Liberation Collective reflects what activists do and want to achieve.
We've agreed on some principles:
And now we're working on a detailed plan to implement them. There are many ways you can involved:
1. Sign up for email updates to stay up to date with the Collective
2. Answer a quick survey to help us understand how liberation groups work
3. Join or help organise a workshop online or in your area
If you want to know more, you can contact Nehaal, VP Liberation and Equality, and Camilo, Liberation Collective Project Manager.