Become an Associate Member

NUS is your national union representing university and college students across the UK. 

Together we achieve national change for students.

Our membership is made up of 400+ Students’ Unions representing over 7 million students. We also work with national organisations representing students who can become an Associate Member of NUS.

What does being an associate member involve?

Associate membership is fundamentally about building the student movement and the collective voice of students. We’re inviting organisations that work with students to join so that we can work on collaborative campaigns. Being an associate member helps you form a stronger link to the national movement and us to better understand the needs of the particular students you work with. We see our work with associate members as complementary to the representation provided through our member students’ unions. Associate members get:

  • Access to NUS events including training and development events, plus visitor passes at any democratic events
  • Access to NUS UK resources
  • Mutual promotion of activities
  • Access to NUS UK paid-for services at Member rates
  • A named point of contact within NUS UK and regular communication

Who can become an associate member?

Associate Membership is open to any group operating at a national level (in any or all of the four nations) who work with students and represent students. This could be working with students of a particular background, faith or ethnicity. It could be an organisation that brings together student societies. In order to become an associate member an organisation must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Has objects and values which align with NUS’ objects and values
  • Has a membership made up of either students or student societies
  • The majority of students/societies you work with are part of an NUS affiliated students’ union
  • Has a constitution/governing document

What’s expected of associate members?

Associate members are expected to adhere to NUS’ values, policies and procedures and are subject to NUS’ membership code of conduct when engaging with NUS or acting on NUS’ behalf.

How much does it cost to join?

We have a tiered contribution level based on income:

  • Under £200k: £250
  • £201k - £500k: £500
  • £501k - £1m: £750
  • £1m - £2m: £1000
  • Over £2m: £1500

How do I apply?

If your organization is interested in associate membership, let’s start with a conversation to discuss what you’d like to get out of associate membership, how we can support and to go through the formal steps to apply. To book in a call or for any questions on associate membership contact [email protected]