Agenda - Liberation Conference 2023


Click here to download a PDF of the agenda.


Day 1 - Monday 17th April


Registration Open


Optional Morning Activities

We'll be running short sessions during the morning going through what to expect at this year's Conference.

  • 09:45-10:15 - Informal drop-in for Muslim students (Circle 4)
  • 10:00-10:30 - FE Delegate Briefing (Wellbeing Space)
  • 10:15-10:45 - Informal drop-in for Jewish students (Circle 3)

Conference Main Room Opens (Circle 1)

Take a seat and get ready for Conference!


Opening Session (Circle 1)

  • Welcome to Conference from NUS Officers
  • How we're doing debate at Liberation Conference
  • An introduction to the policy proposers

Guest Speaker: Ruth Pearce (Circle 1)

Author of "Understanding Trans Health”; co-editor of "The Emergence of Trans" and "TERF Wars"; and former NUS officer! 


Lunch Break


Policy Development Sessions

There will be access breaks during this session, including for prayer times.


Accountability (Circle 1)

Submit your questions here before the end of lunch (2pm) on Day 1. If timings allow there will be an opportunity for follow up questions. If you submit a question after the deadline, you will receive a written answer in due course after Conference.


Close of Day 1

Nominations close for Liberation Steering Committee and Liberation Campaign Committee positions. Nominate yourself here.


Candidate Briefing (Foyer 1)

All candidates for Liberation Steering Committee and Liberation Campaign Committee positions are expected to attend. 

18:00 - 18:30

Drop-in Session: Independent Investigation into Antisemitism (IIA) (Circle 3)


Dinner and Evening Activities (Spanish Suite)

Strictly Come As You Are - There's no dress code for this, please express yourself as you wish!


Day 2 - Tuesday 18th April


Accountability (Circle 1)

Continued from Day 1.


Policy: Next Steps

10:30-11:00 Break

Liberation Caucuses

These caucuses are reserved spaces for delegates who define into each of our Liberation groups. These spaces are for you to connect with each other and discuss the issues that are important to you. 

All caucuses will include three 30-minute sessions, so if you define into more than one Liberation group, you will have the chance to move between the sessions. The caucuses will take place in the following rooms.

  • Women students caucus (Circle 1)
  • Black students caucus (Circle 3)
  • Disabled students caucus (Circle 4)
  • Trans students caucus (Foyer 1
  • LGBT+ students caucus (Foyer 2)
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break

Campaign Workshops


1. Collective Care (Foyer 2)

Looking after ourselves is as important as ever - but it can't be an add on, or something that falls unequally around our activist groups. In this session we will explore how to avoid burnout by incorporating collective care into our strategy and our organising.

2. Inclusive Sexual Health (Circle 3)

This workshop, facilitated by Black Beetle Health, will explore the experiences and challenges faced by LGBT+ people of colour when it comes to sexual health, and what we can do in our students’ unions and local communities to achieve safe and healthy sex lives for all.

3. Trans Rights 101 (Foyer 1)

Trans rights have been framed as a culture wars issue but really, trans rights are simply human rights. In this introductory session we will discuss what works well in communicating about trans rights, and develop messaging for campaigns that can advance trans rights in our campuses and communities in a smart and safe way.

4. How to protect our values on campus (Circle 4)

We work hard to build inclusive spaces at our SUs but they can sometimes be threatened by groups that don’t share them. This will be a practical session on how we handle our multiple responsibilities to protect all students, our values and free speech. We will develop tactics to keep our communities safe and lead with liberation.

14:45-15:15 Break

Live Debates and Closing Remarks (Circle 1)

There will be access breaks during this session, including for prayer times.


Conference Close



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