NUS announces newly elected Officer team

NUS announces newly elected Officer team

NUS UK has announced the winners of elections for its new Officer team.

They are:

NUS UK President – Amira Campbell (University of Birmingham Guild of Students)

NUS VP Further Education - Qasim Hussain (Leeds City College Students' Union)

NUS VP Higher Education - Alex Stanley (University of Exeter Students' Guild)

NUS VP Liberation & Equality – Saranya Thambirajah (University of Bristol Students' Union)


The winners will take office from July 2024 for a two-year term. They will join Sai Shraddha Suresh Viswanathan (NUS Scotland President), Deio Owen (NUS Wales President) and Ben Friel (NUS-USI President) as the full NUS officer team for 2024-26.

The current NUS officers will continue their roles until then, and continue campaigning for better funding, housing, and education standards for students.

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