Students Against Far-right Violence

Add your name to the statement to show solidarity with migrants, racialised and Muslim communities targeted by far-right violence.

At NUS, we stand in solidarity with the migrants, racialised and Muslim communities that have faced xenophobic, racist, and Islamophobic violence in the last week. The distressing events unfolding now are not isolated incidents but the result of a growing and dangerous narrative that has served to normalise racist and anti-migrant sentiments.

A narrative that repeatedly blames immigration for NHS waiting lists, for job losses, and for the cost of living crisis. We have seen this narrative seep into our sector through the vilification of international and refugee students.  This is a narrative that serves to divide the most disadvantaged persons in our society, and sustain inequality. 

The UK must be a sanctuary where migrants can live safely, free from fear, and thrive through their hard work and contributions to society. Migrants, racialised and Muslim students must always be welcomed into the student movement. We understand students will be fearful right now for themselves, friends and family. We send our solidarity, love and support to every one of you, and especially all racialised, Muslim, and international students. 

In these challenging times, we urge all student leaders and allies to be vigilant. Students’ unions take on a central role in elevating the voices of marginalised students, and organising for instrumental systemic change. Through and with NUS students have a proud history of winning that change. 

We urge everyone to reach out to your friends and colleagues who are Muslim or from racialised backgrounds. Actively challenge and condemn all forms of racism or Islamophobia. Our solidarity is not just a gesture; it is a crucial stand against hate and injustice.


Will you sign?