Ben Kinross

Ben Kinross

NSoA manager


As the Staff Lead at the National Society of Apprentices Ben helps translate apprenticeship policy into language apprentices can understand, facilitates spaces to help apprentices to think about what they think about their work, education and the communities they live in. Over 15,000 apprentices have taken part in his events , bringing learners into the policy process in an accessible, authentic way.

Ben founded NSoA in 2013 and has been involved in the European Apprentice Network since it’s launch in 2017. Since then he has been supporting the development of innovative apprentice voice practice through NSoA and the EAN to enable Apprentices and VET learners to engage with decision makers on their own terms.


Alongside NSoA he has also worked with both the Future Generation Wales Commissioner and Investors in People to develop robust quality measures that value apprentice representation.

He is also an enthusiastic but mediocre Cornet player.